Illumination and Umbarism

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 22:48:38 -0000

> *explaining Illumination is not easy (sorry, I tried, but couldn't
> get anything I was happy with) - hopefully Lokarnos has something.

Peter Metcalfe's article on Lunar Illumination in Hero Wars is here:

Contrariwise, my best simple explanation of Spolite Umbarism is here: (scroll down)

There's some more complex stuff in the History of Carmania, here:

Speaking of which, David asks:

> Wasn't there an "evil" Spolite empire that existed before Carmania
> and the suppression of which is cited as one of the things that
> justifies the Carmanian rule?


Cheers, Nick

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