Karse and Refuge

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 17:19:39 -0000

The Gloranthan city of Karse is based on the 'generic' Midkemia city setting "Carse," which is in turn based on the real city of Caernarvon.

The Gloranthan city of Refuge is based on Thieves' World's city of Sanctuary, for which Chaosium published a boxed set and (later) a companion book.

Midkemia had a hand in the "Thieves' World" box, too (encounter tables, IIRC), and in the Chaosium book "Cities" (subsequently reprinted by Avalon Hill as "RuneQuest Cities").

The common thread that Chaosium "playtested" everything they were going to publish. In the case of Carse and Thieves' World, this was done by dropping them into their in-house RuneQuest campaign, which was set in Glorantha. That's why the parallels exist.

Make of them what you will.

Cheers, Nick

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