Re: Gloranthan West

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 10:01:05 +0100

Bryan Thexton:

>> Not just unremarkable - most of it wasn't even *there*. Oh, there
>> was a
>>small forest with trolls in it, but what came out from behind the
>> Ban
>>was much larger. It shoved the entire coastline several miles to
>> the west...
>But how widely know is that known? I mean, how do you even tell your
>coast line has moved without a GPS system or _really_ good longitude

No, if they'd been able to tell that the coastline had moved, they'd have noticed something fishy was up before the Ban started to come down. Although they wouldn't have known *what* exactly had happened, of course.

>Maybe ENPL (Essence Node Position Location) magic? I
>understand that after the syndic ban dropped it was possible to see
>that the KOW was bigger than the maps indicated, but.....somehow I
>don't see people being as concerned about its size as its existence.

Certainly the latter is more immediately worrying to most people, yes :)

Gamer and Skeptic

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