Loskalm Uber Alles

From: mrmob_at_...
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 17:10:34 +1000

>Since there are hints that Loskalm isn't quite
>as sweetness-and-light, pure and good as it
>presents itself, but has some nasty secrets at
>its core... does this mean that the Kingdom of
>War has a corresponding well-hidden nice side?

The symbol on public lavatories for the Lord Caste in the Loskalmi quarter of Sog City should give you some hint about the pure and perfect nature of Loskalmi society: http://www.btinternet.com/~nick_brooke/sog/other-info.htm

Note also the warning to watch out for "the gangs of muscular Hrestoli 'boot-boys' here, who strut in from Loskalm to do over such dissenters (and foreigners and other unbelievers) for kicks. They can be easily picked out by their heavy boots, short haircuts and death-rune tattoos."


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