Re: Issaries cult

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:08:30 -0000

> > If so, it was more or less by accident. "Our Summons of Evil
> > WHAT????" And the whole idea is not canon (fun, though).
> I suspected as much. I'll decide on that as it comes up.

Might be more canonical than Jane is suggesting. Whitewall is semideliberate  repeat of the Battle of the Verge which killed Lokamayadon and set off a chain of events that eventually brought down Nysalor. I'm pretty sure that the defenders performed a Summons of Evil to bring forth their foe on their terms.

That it brought the Bat was not to be entirely unsuspected. That the Lunars would exploit it to kill Orlanth was.


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