RE: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 07:57:14 +0100

> > - if our characters could really be Argrath, why the details of the
> > Kallyr's plan is not explain ? ie : why we don't know what orlaront
> > said to the dragon ?
> Because that's part of Kallyr's saga, not yours. (You *do*
> know that Kallyr is Argrath, right?)

And on a slightly more hopeful note, for those of us who want to be part of Kallyr's saga, we *did* write the scenarios leading up to the Deal with the Dragon such that the PCs could be the ones speaking Draconic and acting as interpreters. They got cut due to space considerations, as it was felt that not many people would want to play through that side of it, but they may yet be brought out of the archives, dusted, polished, and made available.

There's also the point that giving details of the Deal now would be major spoilers for the next book - the Dragonrise.

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