Re: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:02:03 -0000

>> Ah yes, that was one of the other bits that got cut, wasn't it? The
>> various minor quests where the PCs run round finding all the
>> required myths. If they can't glue them together, Minaryth will do
>> it for them. His summary speech is about all that got left of this :(

>> (sigh) all we needed was a 200-page scenario book, and it would all
>> have been in there. Including the bit where you get to steal from
>> an orphanage.

> Oh please oh please, powers that be....could some of this cut > material be made available on-line?

I'm not so sure all this stuff was developed into a finished version, but I think a kind of "guestbook" approach where such ideas can be presented as cameos, as well as fan-submitted ideas, on the Issaries website would be a great service.

> I do understand there are limitations on page count, but it does 
> seem a shame that all the bits that would have helped make the quest 
> a personal thing got cut.

There's always the possibility of developing such supplemental stuff on the web...

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