RE: Re: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:23:06 -0400

That's too bad. I'm with a you, a firm believer that even in those kinds of scenarios, you can make the PCs center stage. Like your idea of the clue hunting. The big NPC has some huge idea, but to pull it off they need help, and so the players have a series of tasks. Each one helps the final outcome in some way. For me, the most annoying scenarios to play were always the ones that built to an ending where it never mattered if we showed up to begin with.


On 15 Jul 2004 at 19:43, Jane Williams wrote:

> There was a lot of discussion at the time: I've always felt that the PCs
> should be centre stage in whatever the scenario is, not cannon fodder. Greg
> differs. So anything Patrik and I wrote that was designed along the lines of
> "the PCs discover this, this, and this, and if they don't want to actually
> do the job themselves here's an NPC sucker who will", got transformed to
> first "the NPC does it" and then "the NPC does it off-camera". Which was
> virtually everything we wrote :(
> I'm afraid it's a fundamental difference of opinion about what scenarios in
> the main story-arc should be about. And since Greg seems to have held this
> opinion back when the Cradle adventure first came out, and still does, I
> doubt if he's likely to change. We can hope, he may even post something to
> say that I've got it All Wrong (please!), but I'm not optimistic.

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