Re: Girls will be boys and boys will be girls

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 15:57:24 -0000

Bruce Ferrie
> I find it interesting, though, that everyone (and I'm
> talking about players here, not Gloranthans) seems able to accept
> Vingans who act like men without batting an eyelid, but the converse
> - Nandani men who act like women - is seen as incredibly weird and
> mind-boggling. Something of a double-standard, no?

The bit of double standard is our lack of imagination when it comes to Vingans as grooms in marriage. The only occasion which has tackled Vingans in sexual relationships following the path of Orlanth has been KoDP's Aroka Quest which has the options for seduction etc. flipped during the Darkness encounters if you enter with a Vingan quester. All the stories and myths I have seen so far have Vinga in the tomboy role, not as a Vingan Niskis worshipper yet...

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