Mythic Russia News list

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 21:28:04 +0100


(Apologies for the abortive previous post…)

Just so people know, I have set up a yahoogroup to act as a mailing list for the Mythic Russia game project, the new licensed setting using the HQ game engine. The address is:

and you can subscribe on the above page or by emailing

It is a moderator-mail-only list, so it should not become a source of spam, and I will generally just be posting one or two updates a month, so volume ought not to be a problem, either. Especially important milestones will be posted also to the more general lists, but other news -- including any further playtesting opportunities as may arise -- will go just through these postings.

In due course, once draft sections have been made available to playtesters, etc (not for a couple of months, at the very least) I hope to have a discussion forum to swap ideas and opinions on Elric’s Tavern
(, so do let me commend that cosy
little nook to you.

The first update will be in the next few days, and remember also that I’ll be regularly revising the website _at_

All the best


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