RE: Earth to earth

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 09:56:46 +0100

> If Orlanth gives us wind spirits that collect the smoke from
> our cooking fires
> and store it in stable, easily-removed smoke balls in the
> rafters, thus
> freeing us from the need for chimneys...
> ... does Ernalda perhaps provide the workings for automatic
> composting toilets?

Oh, yes. You can have those without even needing magic, though no doubt Ernalda helps.

Dorothy Hartley's "Food in England" gives a nice detailed explanation and diagram of how to construct an outside privy, complete with elder bush and fruit tree chosen to have their roots in exactly the right places. Add ash from the fire, and you're sorted.

It's a great book for all sorts of advice on practical country living, from Norman times up to Victorian. Lots of bits about how local superstitions and customs started, too, and crept into modern vocabulary. Well worth grabbing a copy if you see one, or hoping it'll come back into print again. In fact, let me check.... Yes!

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