Re: Term of pregnancy

From: Paul Anderson <carlalef_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:48:25 -0400

I've always assumed that this is the case, and there was a First Age Earth Tribe myth explaining this, roughly as follows:

Ernalda's husband/protector/son marries Her in Sacred Time, and their son is conceived; Sea Season is the honeymoon; Fire Season is his glory and rule; during Earth season he goes forth to defend her domain from strangers, and falls; in Dark Season she grieves; and Storm season is her labor - reflected in modern tradition as her inactivity and death. In Sacred Time he is born.

Since no-one (publicly) holds this any more, and I haven't really needed Ernaldan mysteries, I've just used this to flavor Esrolian ceremony when visible. (Remind me to tell you sometime about the Sartarite who bathed himself in the main strem of Necropolis....)

Paul MacLean Anderson

Be a Quidnunc:

----Original Message Follows----
From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>

For pregnancy, it seems rather neat to have it exactly one Gloranthan year in length. It's easy to work out conception to date of birth. But that's an argument based purely on tidiness.

Jane Williams
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