RE: Re: Flying fighters?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 21:23:26 +0100

> From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson

Lots of good sense, starting with....

> All of these depend on the ability of the devotee,

I was thinking initiate. Since most people are "just" initiates. But presumably that means the same thing with a -5?

> You'd match his "Fly Fast" against his opponent's "Run Fast"
> or whatever.

So if I want an idea of the speed of the average travelling Vanganthi, I take their probable Affinity score, subtract 5, and compare that with the Fast of, say, a horse? 10W. Any Warrior keyword person gets "run" at 17 as a starter, I think?

Any guesses what the "average" affinity score would be? Reading p274 tables.. 10W ish?

> As far as Vanganthi fighting, they are skirmishers. The sword
> is a last-ditch close-in weapon, not a primary arm. Strafing
> runs made by diving down and throwing javelins would match my
> idea of how they fight - think "light cavalry in the sky". ...

> I wouldn't normally think of them as Aerial Dragoons (only
> using their breath as a battletaxi), because like all mounted
> troops, it is beneath their dignity to "dismount".

This all makes good sense to me. And it also explains a puzzle in OiD. Why, given her experience, is Kallyr's CC so (comparatively) crap? Well, spending the first ten years of her combat career as a Vanganthi might have something to do with it?

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