RE: RE: Inaccurate myths; bronzes

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 07:26:14 +0100

> Jane Williams wrote: "sword "ex saxo" - from the
> stone. Original had him taking it "ex saxono" - from
> the Saxon."


> One problem that I can see:
> what about the context? Sounds like the middle of a
> battle scene, taking a sword out of a Saxon.

"From". Kill the enemy leader, take his (high-quality) sword.

> And there's always
> the old fallback, which is that bronze is just the
> nearest equivalent word for the Gloranthan metal.

Which of course it is. From the bones of the gods, and so on. It isn't even an alloy in Glorantha. The only question is which RW metal is an analogue - but it *is* only an analogue.

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