Re: Inaccurate myths

From: Henk Langeveld <hlangeveld_at_...>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 01:52:23 +0200


Could "Reylari Iceni" be an alter ego of yours? It's the author of the second result from google:

        Google: ex-saxo ex-saxono

*Jane's Armoury*
... "Ex Saxono" were his words, though the written version seems to have been shortened to "ex saxo". A typo, I'm sure. Again, click for a better look. Saex. ...

... the Latin phrase Artorius gladium EX SAXO eripuit may have been wrongly copied from an original that read Artorius gladium EX SAXONO eriput_since medival ...

"[...] the Latin phrase Artorius gladium EX SAXO eripuit may have been wrongly copied from an original that read Artorius gladium EX SAXONO eriput_since medival clerks often omitted the letter N_ and thus Arthur in reality took the sword from the Saxon and not from the stone; Excalibur the sword from the lake, was ex cale burno, from beside the river Cale, where the best swords were forged [...]"

Jane Williams wrote:
>>>>sword "ex saxo" - from the stone. Original had him taking it "ex
>>>>saxono" - from the Saxon.
>>>I hadn't heard that one - where did you hear of it?
>>Sorry, I can't now remember the source. I read it years ago.
>>I'll go through the Arthurian bookshelf and get back to you
>>in a few days, assuming I find it.

> Have skimmed bookshelf, and suspect it was in a library book that I
> never got my own copy of - and no, I can't now remember the author :(

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