Looking for Glorantha/RW links for Teshnos...

From: Henk Langeveld <hlangeveld_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:20:02 +0200

Darran Sims remarks (Re: Two Cheers for the Textbook Examples):
> But seriously each one of the cultures described in HQ needs to have
> a culture specific scenario to show off the culture in a
> 'show-not-tell' way. The best way to do that is to have each
> scenario start off small, set in a village, clan, minor town, etc.

Which led me to wonder what would be good RW/Literature/Media references for Teshnos, that I could use to start playing HQ with my sons.

My eldest son has chosen the name "The Ranger of Teshnos" as his alias in several online games, and I've been thinking of using that as a hook.

So besides Jungle Book, who's got any suggestions? (Not that there's anything wrong with jungle book...

My idea is that there should be big differences between civil and rural areas, at least.

The "Old man" of Teshnos

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