EWF and Heortlings

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 18:29:59 -0500 (CDT)


> From: "Andrew Solovay" <asolovay_at_...>
> Nick Eden <nick_at_...> wrote:

who asked

>> Thinks: The people we now all think of as Orlanthi are Herotlings. It
>> seems to me that the EWF bods may have been starting off as
>> worshipping Orlanth, but weren't Heortlings by any stretch of the
>> imagination.

to which Andrew replied:

> Are we sure about this? In the clan-generation section of "King of Dragon
> Pass", it's made very clear that your clan followed Heort, but one of the
> questions is, "How do you participate with the EWF/what's your
> relationship
> to dragons".

The EWF was definitely founded by Heortlings. Note that in my original character generation (I don�t have access to KoDP here in Mexico) the question had only one answer: your clan rejected it. Why? Because all of them who accepted it were wiped out. Thus leaving behind the survivors who hate and fear dragons, and always have. As any sensible being would do!

Greg Stafford

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