Re: EWF and Heortlings

From: Nick Eden <nick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 20:54:18 +0100

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 18:29:59 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>> From: "Andrew Solovay" <asolovay_at_...>
>> Nick Eden <nick_at_...> wrote:
>who asked
>>> Thinks: The people we now all think of as Orlanthi are Herotlings. It
>>> seems to me that the EWF bods may have been starting off as
>>> worshipping Orlanth, but weren't Heortlings by any stretch of the
>>> imagination.
>to which Andrew replied:
>> Are we sure about this? In the clan-generation section of "King of Dragon
>> Pass", it's made very clear that your clan followed Heort, but one of the
>> questions is, "How do you participate with the EWF/what's your
>> relationship
>> to dragons".
>The EWF was definitely founded by Heortlings.
>Note that in my original character generation (I donīt have access to KoDP
>here in Mexico) the question had only one answer: your clan rejected it.
>Why? Because all of them who accepted it were wiped out.
>Thus leaving behind the survivors who hate and fear dragons, and always have.
>As any sensible being would do!
>Greg Stafford

Shows what I know :-)

I'd 'always' * assumed that the EWF's were coming from a root derived from some other Orlanthi culture - Herotling, Alakoring, some other dudes who the dragons ate.

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