Musings on Beowulf and Grendel

From: Graeme P. Bell <mac_logo_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:35:12 -0000

This does look quite nice, but I must admit to having grave misgivings. Iceland isn't really the right terrain - pretty tho' it is.

I have "issues" with the apparently simplistic revenge motivation for Grendel. If they wanted to make the "monster" more sympathetic, they could've had him as a defender of the wilderness vs the encroachment of humanity, which would have been at least vaguely close to the original.

The term "re-imagining" is used on the website. That last time I saw "re-imagining" it was Tim Burton describing his Planet of the Apes. I won't comment any further.

Dragging it back on-topic for this list...

My terrain misgivings for the movie completely vanish, when I consider it as a source of Heortling imagery. A bit too much open water for Dragon Pass, but plenty of rocky ground. The costumes go in my reference folder - some of those pictures could be straight out of the Sartar Rising books - (but I agree about the leather scale...).

How does it work as visual reference for the Wenelians?

At least it'll be an antidote to all those faux Darra Happan/Lunar movies. :)


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