RE: Re: Tarshite Royals V2

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 19:20:29 +0100

> > the Gloranthan Digest... Or is that the Hero Plane? I can never

> Now I know why I never read the GD, even though I'm on the list. I
> escape the Mundane World - I lack proper community support.

> The (elusive) Dr Moose

'Course you've got community support, mate! You've got the entire Gloranthan community backing you up! Just let us know when you want to read the G(non-D), and we'll all log on together and type "ommm". Or something...

What's the size of this community? Say 250 of those on the list take part, extraordinary support, that's +8 to your attempt. And I'm sure the resistance isn't all that high, many of us seem to manage it without too much trouble.

Want to try for a "total support" ceremony at the next London pub-meet?

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