Scenarios and Submissions

From: Greg_at_...
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:11:24 -0700


Roderick starts off by mentioning

> Well, as far as contributed scenarios, Issaries needs people *to*
> contribute...


> So step up, write a scenario, ask for comments, playtest it, ask for more
> comments, and "publish" it! Easy! :-). Heck, if you're good at it, you might
> think of talking to Issaries about a book...

And then Tim Ellis adds

> Which might be easier if we knew what Issaries Fan Publication
> policy was likely to be...

We heard from the lawyers today. This means that we have to make a few final changes to it, and we will then review it with the Board of Directors and a few others to make sure it is clear, and then we will discuss it with the fan publishers who exist now. Then we will put it online and make an announcement for anyone to go online to review it. Wear your lawyer's hat.

But more important than that, I want to encourage people to write scenarios and send them to me, the acquisitions editor, at greg_at_.... Send a synopsis first. We actually do not want to see a book of scenrios at first from people who are new at this.

If you have a scenario in mind, send me the idea. We will collect them and, when we have a book full, publish them. They can be on anything!

If you know of a project which you think you would like to join, conact me and I will tell you if ther is a place available. This is sometimes more difficult, since you have to write to order instead of freely develop something.

If you just want to try your hand at writing to order for something, and don't care what, still, contact me! We have a number of projects in the works now.

Rememer, YGWV, but if it is published by II then it is canon!

We are dependant upon YOUR contributions to expand our line. We are happy to work with new writers.


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