RE: one day a Troll saved me

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 09:22:08 +0100

Harangi was not your average troll. His shoulders were a lot squarer, his tusks jutted out at weird angles and his slim build, he was told, was evidence of an over active thyroid (or something). His memories from the time before he was born had always been hazy; images of learning from his parents, of beautiful summers and green meadows were not as clear as the feelings that accompanied them. The joy of freedom and the warm reassurance of his mother's love had been unexpected stumbling blocks on the road to his current destiny.
Harangi's reasons for making the change and the story leading up to the ritual of rebirth in a troll hovel are another story entirely; we are only concerned, this day, with his discovery of the shivering form of a bound, frail human woman on the edge of his clan lands.

Who is the woman? Is she someone from his old, human clan? Closer still, she may actually be his sister, cousin or even mother!

If there is no previous connection, Harangi's struggle with his identity and previous culture may cause him to act mercifully (if carefully)?

You will never meet a more cordial dark troll trader than Xanex whose grasp of human customs, popularity and success with the clans was only rivalled by his greed. Xanex traded in one thing only: human slaves. In our world, humans can be distinguished by their behaviour when they happen to find a five pound note in the street; let us just know at this point that Xanex is not the sort to take it to the police station. Being sold into slavery is better than getting eaten for breakfast.

Hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Williams [mailto:janewilliams20_at_...] Sent: 22 October 2004 08:51
Subject: RE: one day a Troll saved me

> In this case, given her Lhankor Mhy background and more
> importantly, the way the
> player described it to me, I think I can't have her call on
> Vinga Uz-fighter. To hear her
> describe it, she survived because of the troll, not because
> of anything she did.

I was thinking more that she called on Vinga, and Vinga sent her a troll. The right troll.

Storm Tribe p175, at the bottom - Vinga seems to provide unlikely coincidences in cases like this.

You say she was bound before being dumped - was she perhaps bound *to* something significant? The significance might be obvious to a troll but not to a human. Was it a particularly significant day (again, for trolls)?  

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