Re: "normal tribal life in Sartar"

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 12:59:47 +0000 (GMT)

For "normal" read "abnormal" :)

> You'd have to go back a bit
> before you can play without the Lunars in your hair.

Late 1590s in my case. And yes, much of BA is indeed useable back then. When the Lunars arrive, they will, I hope, be very obviously abnormal and a Bad Thing. And therefore, something to object to.

(At present, it's "Lunars in Tarsh? Where? So what? - they're not taking *our* cows". It's great - they're barely interested in who's king of their tribe, might have registered that they're in a country called Sartar or might not, but are enjoying the squabbles between clans. Those Poss are *weird*. Foreign.)

> Heck, you could play Sawn
> Age with BA, for the most part...

Yes, I know it's a typo, but...

that's just after someone demolished a forest or two, right?

Jane Williams                 

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