Re: Otherworld differences

From: Sam Elliot <sam.elliot1_at_...>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 11:29:41 -0000

Mike Dawson:
> The Sorcery World is like being in an abstract painting.

In Safelster, in a game being set up, I decided upon an Iconographer as a hero. This is a wizardly school which'll probably be up on a website at some point, wherein the grimoires are seminal masterpieces (think Impressions of le Havre). A student will have copied them and study them for the hidden details and routes to power. So far, Perspectivist, Postperspectivist, Representation, Misrepresentation as Grimoires which fit with spells.

Thus, the shapes, lines, icons (and their subversion - or abstraction) within the painting are the wielding of the magical power. (After all there has to be a reason why icons have been banned further west).

My character's aim is to rework the Perspectivist masterpiece, "The Proven Reappearance" as Postperspectivist. It didn't work quite right the first time :).


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