Re: Vingan "Active" virtue

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 18:43:14 +1300

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:05, Paul Andrew King wrote:
> Just to expand a bit more the "vengeance" aspect and the Red Vows
> probably overlap too much with Babeester territory, So IMHO Esrolian
> Vingans would likely emphasise the "Defender" role - might they
> include bodyguards as well as soldiers ?

It's possible, but what little I know of Esrolia has led me to see Babeesteri as Ernalda's personal bodyguards -- temple guardians and palace guard -- while Vingans are in the next ring or two out from that. So Babeesteri defend Ernalda (and her representatives, and maybe her people) but Vingans defend Ernalda's steads and cities (and the people who live in them).


Jennifer Geard

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