Re: Vingan "Active" virtue

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 23:05:28 +0000

>I'm filling in an Esrolian Vingan at the moment, and -- at least IMG --
>Vinga's turning out to be almost a different deity in Esrolia. Her defining
>relationships are with Ernalda and not-being-Babeester.

Just to expand a bit more the "vengeance" aspect and the Red Vows probably overlap too much with Babeester territory, So IMHO Esrolian Vingans would likely emphasise the "Defender" role - might they include bodyguards as well as soldiers ?

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala 
Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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