Re: Duck based Sub or Hero cults of Hueymakt?

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:58:49 -0000

[N.B. Just seen Mike's mail as I was typing this -- sorry, same
problem here. I do seem to remember John said something about web issues, but have resolutely failed to remember the details!]

Hi Andy & all,

Beyond the wondrous (or cringe-inducing, your pick) mentions of direwarbling  Hueymakti, there's not a huge amount that is actually written down in a concrete fashion -- still less in an 'official' capacity. And then it rather depends on how much 'humour' (or, more's the point, what 'brand') you'd like to incorporate... Ducks are classic YGWV.

How you view the durulz's considered theological groundings (if, indeed, they are are capable of such...), and their relations to Humakt and Orlanthi mythology, may well come into play here. If Birth-of-a-Nation-duckishness and anato-supremacy isn't a big thing, you can easily use the Humakti sub- and herocults described in Storm Tribe as is -- the durulz are often referred to as being inclined towards Humakt without any special tealospecific reference.

If minor bouts of seditious behaviour appeal, and one wishes to evince a more tealocentric description of Humakt, they can be happily renamed Indrodar Greyduck, Efrodar Blackflippers or Li Ptarmigan, and given such transmuted feats as 'Warble of Command'. Attendant myths can be made with much fun.

[Actually, the game-related bits of the Indrodar Greydog subcult are
near-impossible to pervert in an anatophilic manner, which is a bit off, I think...]

There are, of course, the joyous write-ups of Hueymaky, Lueymakt and Dueymakt, the three Death-Drakes, by John, which are detailed in the files section of this group. Sadly, all my old links to the legendary "What the Beak Quacks" by John Castellucci are no longer working...

This link to John's stuff should hopefully work (not Tiny'd so you can see where it is): bandit keywords and kults.rtf

Mything Links does what it says on the tin, to a few of Simon Phipp's pertinent pieces on duck action (also in Tradetalk #7), and also a couple of other myths: html#Duck

Tales of the Reaching Moon #19 is a great source if you can find it, not only for the info on Indrodar and the Marsh in general, but also the Anas clan write-up, which contains a small piece on the Copper Chain Warriors -- a duck heroband that might be up your street (background, but no game material), and ideas for new abilities such as 'Clodhopping'.

Now my memory is failing, but I am sure there are a few other examples people can forward from their own campaigns!



Anates fortuna adjuvat

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