Re: Fearing Dragons

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 11:48:15 -0000

Maybe it should have been given as a *must have* in the rules then. I make people who create characters I preside over take it (if they are Heortlings) for the reasons Greg and Trotsky give - players don't want to be scared of anything, but the plain fact is that is often just the little minimaxer inside of them than a serious postulation on their character concept IMO. I let them choose what they hate however.

Trotsky makes a very excellent mathematical quirk for the Fear Dragons roll. When confronted by the *idea* of a Dragon you roll brave against Fear Dragons, but if said dragon is present then I think the contest should be (and this is the un-augmented number) Induce Terror 12W3 ( the green dragon ) which has the general effect of sending most normal people mad with fear. I think the narrator should bear this in mind when presenting True (or Cosmic) Dragons in his story.

> > Those are the typical traits, what everyone normal has. And
> > so I would make all my players have it, because it is what
> > everyone has.

I agree. Sometimes players have to take their medicine! Its part of roleplaying a hero from a given homeland. We have a guy who does not have Hate Lunars in our group. We, fellow characters, all find his character very strange because of that!!

> > YGWV. Play style, whatever. You have that freeedom. I give it to
> Picky, I know, but no. We have that freedom. We don't need to be
> given it. We just object to anyone trying to take it away.

I don't think that is entirely fair. Runequest suffered immensely from people not *feeling* they have the *freedom* to deviate from the canon in case they conflicted with future publications, which frankly never materialsed anyway. Hence we had things like blank lands. Oh dear. People were stuck for nearly 20 years in a 1610- 1620 limbo. Freedom IS expressly given in Heroquest: P177, The First Rule YGWV. I have benefitted immensely from that rule, and was not entirely freed from the past until I read the Gwandor and saw what you could do in Glorantha when you really went for it.

We are all individuals and our games will reflect what is important to us. I freely change stuff for my games, but I am faithfull to the core story. Kallyr can fly (unaided or aided, but she flys) for example. It doesn't change the core story, for me leastways.

Just my 2 bobs worth!


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