Re: HQ followup for kids?

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 00:21:16 -0000

A lot of really good ideas on roleplaying and HeroQuest for kids. Thanks much for responding. Thanks also to Mark Mohrfield for reminding me of the Babeester Babe in the Esrolia chapter of the HQ book.

> If I had my druthers, here's what I'd do. I'd license the HeroQuest
> mechanics, streamline them in a few key ways, I'd create a
> loosely-mapped "fairytale" kind of setting that retained the wonder of
> Glorantha but diminished the lethality and adult seriousness,

This is an excellent idea. The HQ player's book by Mark Galeotti, which David Dunham mentioned, has a superb synopsis of the HQ mechanics. What would have to be added would be a single "Grimm's Kingdom" fantasy-medieval homeland like you suggest, with a small set of occupation and magic keywords (probably based on Wizardry), and several sample scenarios with non-violent play options.

You might end up with something similar to the Basic Dungeons and Dragons book that started me on roleplaying.

 > I'd write it so that parents could
> run it with their children, but also so older children could run it
> themselves, and pack it full of dubious parenting advice

Is this something where you, I, and the other roleplaying game parents on this list could pool our efforts? Obviously, to publish anything Issaries or an Issaries-sanctioned publisher would have to get involved. But we might be able to spec out the project first.


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