Re: Fearing Dragons

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 07:54:31 +0000


>>> Danar dies on the Sky Ship in the Hero Plane and is dead when
>>> they return from the HQ.
>Which would not normally be the case in lower-level HQs, I believe.
>So the meta-game point of the fight *may* be to get Danar killed, if
>your guess is correct. If so, telling the Narrator this is *vital*.

To be fair, GT does say that future scenarios in the Sartar Rising! sequence will assume that 'Ship of the Sky' played out exactly as written - presumably this includes Danar's death, as peripheral as that may appear at first glance. As usual, this assumes that the players won't come up with an interesting way to save him, or that they won't be frustrated if it becomes apparent they're being prevented from doing so by GM fiat. Actually, I don't imagine this is hugely difficult to achieve, but I suspect it's not a dead cert - although, frankly, one can always have him killed later on, when the PCs aren't there, and I doubt that would make much difference in the long term.

>>>>> >> There also may be a plot reason why Andrega gets thrown of
>>> the ship as well.
>>>> >
>>>> >There may be, but since it doesn't get explained it might as
>>> well not exist.
>>> Will probably appear in the next volume, or the one after that.
>A bit too late. By then the Narrator will have decided one way or the
>other whether she made it - she's still an active foe, they're
>celebrating her death/vanishment, or whatever. There's also the question
>of whether the initial attack to kill her succeeded - and that's *got*
>to be down to what and how well the PCs do!

Well, here, the scenario makes no statement about Andrega's survival one way or the other, so presumably later scenarios are flexible enough to cope with any possible outcome in that respect.  

Gamer and Skeptic

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