Re: Fearing Dragons

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 22:08:09 -0600 (CST)


I said

>> Finally, for them to go along they have to overcome their Fear Dragons,
>> which all player characters (except Kralori) have. Hence, the final
>> reason
>> that I didn't put the conversation in there.

and then

>From: "Moah, platypus powaaa!" <moah_at_...>


> Does that mean that starting characters get all the personality
> traits from all the keyword? I thought these were given as example
> of what people could take, or that the should take one of them, or
> something...

Yes, that is what it says. You got the quote. But gee, do you suppose that Fear Dragons is the ONLY trait that is in EVERY Homeland for a reason?

Those are the typical traits, what everyone normal has. And so I would make all my players have it, because it is what everyone has. In my game, and in my Glorantha, everyone fears dragons. Why? Because they are unearthly terrible, more frightening than can be thought about.

YGWV. Play style, whatever. You have that freeedom. I give it to you.

And yep, you can be Kallyr's twin sister or lover for all I care, because YGWV. You gotta play your own game. But then, you will have to pedal faster in your campaign to use published information and the players have these kinds of differences, like speaking Draconic when no one in the world speaks it.

I can see, too, that there is another difference in that I do not cater to the player's every desire and whim. I have been told many times that I am a ruthless GM, and it is a fact. I have killed player characters in HeroQuest when they are stupid, but also when they are incredibly heroic because, well, that is what made it heroic--their self sacrifice. And also, well, just because the dice fall that way.

And to me, BTW, not being afraid of a dragon is stupid.

However, as always, YGWV.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527
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