Re: Quick morality question for heortling

From: Moah, platypus powaaa! <moah_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 00:43:09 +0100

Mikko Rintasaari wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Bruce Ferrie wrote:
>>We do have at least one socially-acceptable place for gay Heortlings to
>>worship so presumably there is some socially-acceptable way to
>>legitimise and sanctify long-term relationships, otherwise who knows
>>what sort of chaos (small "c" or big "C") could follow?

> <snip>
> Breaking the rules here to say, good job Bruce!

Thanks all. I'll just add the player is already playing somewhat of an outcast: a kolati shaman. So, I suppose he's lost the clan already for things like marriage, family building, etc, and people might not blame it all on his homosexuality, but more on his being an "outsider"

Moah, platypus powaaa!

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