RE: Re: Elemental associaltions

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:29:42 +1300

At 09:57 PM 2/27/05 +0000, you wrote:

>Who can enchant your iron these days?

>Checking cult writeups.... Looks like Humakt (Inginew Redson subcult)
>and Babeester Gor. And they can do it for anyone, it's not just the old
>limit of only beng able to do it for your own equipment.

"can" being the critical word here. Whether they want to for anybody else is another question entirely. One would better luck approaching the Third Eye Blue cultists.

>There seem to be very few people able to work iron in the first place.
>Gustbran can't. Would there in fact be anyone who could work iron, who
>couldn't also enchant it?

The Malkioni have the most iron but I'm thinking they don't have the easy (or even rare) access to enchanting it. That drives weapon expertise to the armoured caste which fits in with what we know about the Malkioni. Some knights might also study the mystery of sharing their essense with the Iron so that it doesn't zonk their magic but these would be thought of as strange and weird by all good folk.

--Peter Metcalfe

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