RE: Re: Malia vs Mallia

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 07:38:02 -0000

> > I don't recommend that anyone use any existing language for a
> game,

Sadly, due to the limitations of GM and players, we tend to use English quite a lot. It's a very bad match for Sartarite, but what can you do?

> Yes. And spoken Heortling is not old Norse. But since Greg is not
> a linguist, we use RW loan words to connote the feel for a given
> Gloranthan language. Personally, I doubt Heortling sounds anything
> like old Norse, Anglo-Saxon or Irish. But the loan words give the
> right feel.

I try to pick languages that the players do *not* speak, but that give a feel of "Old" to the whole thing. Welsh and Norse both do this for our group. If I acquired any Welsh players, I'd have to pick something else.

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