RE: Re: Cradle Date

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 08:31:52 -0000

> But since I also came to a similar conclusion, what I do see
> possibly happening is them noticing Kallyr there. And at
> least one of the PCs has a connection to Kallyr. And another
> is both actively anti Lunar and driven by a need for
> redemption. So I wouldn't be surprised if they get word to
> Kallyr that she's there. This is in 1619/1620, remember.
> I'm not sure when Kallyr comes up with the idea in the first
> place. If it is before this, then this only confirms to her
> that she will do it. If it is after, maybe this bootstraps
> the idea into her brain.

Is Mike Cule out there? I seem to remember him playing through something similar a while back - someone hands Kallyr a copy of "King of Sartar" in about 1616 or so. I seem to remember proving that he'd caused the Illiteracy era by doing so, but we were very drunk at the time :(

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