Re: Ravenswing Sword (was: Obtaining a weapon...)

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 16:18:49 -0800

> > No, but Humakt *is* a being of the w6+ level (At least w8) which means
> > if you are facing a being that gave *him* trouble, it better be up in
> > range as well.
> I'm not quite sure I see it like that. Reading the myth, it doesn't
> really sound like the wolf had a real chanse against Humakt. The myth
> isn't really about fighting, it's about Humakt gaining another aspect of
> Death under his control. Well, that's how it reads to me anyway.

Note that "if", there: "if you are facing...". If you don't think the wolf pup was a problem, then fine, it wasn't a problem. But then it shouldn't be a problem for the heroes doing the quest, either.

An encounter in a Quest shouldn't ever be of a totally insignificant nature. If there is a contest in a heroquest, the abilities used in the contest need to be relatively even (within a mastery or so) unless the story says that there was a huge imbalance between the original adversaries. If that really was a w8 Humakt facing a w4 wolf pup, then the fight between them wasn't important, *something else* was.

> But I think I'm starting to see where the problem in my thinking lies.
> Ravenswing is _not_ the sword of Humakt. Humakt needs Raven to guide him
> to death, to be his death-sense, not a weapon.
> So the quest to obtain Ravenswing the Sword is the quest of Hei Chi, the
> EWF Humakti-hero. He obtained Ravenswing, a 10w3 power Godling to
> inhabit a magical weapon (much like is done with wyters). The heropath
> that Gerlef (the 1600 ST Heortling humakti deciple) followed is the path
> as forged by Hei Chi.


> Voila! A God-plane quest, but questing among the lesser godlings, not
> the biggest players.

That works fine.

*IF* you emulate/take the part of Humakt in a God-level quest, then when you face an opponent that gave him trouble youll face an opponent of w8-ish power. If you take the part of a "mere" w4 Daimon, then something that gave *it* trouble will be of around w4 power itself.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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