Re: LM Prophecy

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 18:38:26 -0600

Andrew Solovay wrote:

> Maybe the LM types use Roman-style augury? That is, they don't rely on a
> person having visions or revelations; rather, their prophecy is based on
> being able to look at natural phenomena and know what those things
> represent. That seems very LM-ish to me, since you aren't relying on
> anything as haphazard as a vision, but rather on an existing body of
> knowledge that could be used by anyone who puts in the time to master
> it. You don't need to be specially favored by the ancestors; instead,
> you just do the reading, and you know that when an eagle flies to the
> *left* of the fyrd before the battle, that's a bad omen and you should
> fight cautiously, but if it flies to the *right*, the fight will go your
> way.

Bibliomancy seems more their style: pick a sacred text (the Jonstown Compendium, for example), let it fall open to a random page, and then try and figure out how to apply the random passage to the current situation.



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