Re: Heroquest power-level (was Ravenswing)

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 10:42:38 -0800

> > That has been my understanding of Heroquests. That for the most part,
> > they are simply the most powerful form of ritual magic. It takes
> > something truly special to get all the way into and actual Otherworld
> > and make a change on the fundamental world level.
> >
> Yes, but the HQ book gives a somewhat different take on this in the
> Hero Questing chapter. It talks about the layered myths, so that one can
> be Barntar fighting Daga, instead of Orlanth Fighting Aroka, or a hero
> who's name I can't remember...
> So the picture there is that one would hardly be actually questing as
> Orlanth, but rather as Daga, or as hero X from the year stick and stone.

On the Hero Plane you quest as whatever - Orlanth vrs Aroka and Barntar vrs Daga are really two different (though related in more ways than one). If you follow someone else's HQ instructions, then you are *really* re-enacting "Joe pretends to be Orlanth and fight Aroka", but we call it the Orlanth vrs Aroka heroquest. Remember that even with the best "guide" to a heroquest, something *will* be different, not covered by your guide. So you are *never* exactly re-enacting Orlanth vrs Aroka (or even Joe pretends to be Orlanth and fight Aroka). When the guide promises opponent X, you find opponent Y or situation Z.

As far as the "Quest levels" bit (page 200, for those reading along at home).

Every God (being) that goes questiong has a bunch of supporters. They might be named "Orlanth went forth with his three loyal companions: Heler, Elmal and Eurmal..." but even if he is nominally "alone", there are things like his Sword, his Spear, his Shield, etc., and a Hero can take part in the quest by taking on one of these roles. So the main Questor says "I'm going on the Orlanth Vrs Aroka Quest, and I'm Orlanth." His buddies can then divvy up the various parts between them "I'll be Elmal." "I''m Humakti so I'll be his sword", etc. Usually a ceremony like the Arming of Orlanth (KoS 80)is used to both "identify" the other participants, and to assign the Community Support bonuses that the Hero will carry with him.

The story that the hero is following may indicate specific roles for his equipment and followers: "Orlanth lost his sword when he crossed the Bottomless Pit" (that guy who took the part of of the Sword may be killed or otherwise "lost" here), or a subordinate character may need to do something: "Elmal grew brighter and brighter, blinding the Three-headed Vulture" (the guy playing the part of Elmal will be the one doing the main action take at this station).

The opponents and situations faced by the guys taking part as Elmal, or the Sword, are generally less intense or powerful than those faced by "Orlanth". That's what that line about "can I do the Hero level of this myth" is meant to indicate - you can go on the "Elmal accompanies Orlanth hwen he went to " mythlet without an "Orlanth" to lead you - he'll appear at the right time and place for you to acompany him.

Finally, there are the "little people" - the communal level. Un-named heroes that accompanied Orlanth, or equipment so minor that it isn't mentioned. You're not expected to do much, you're along for the ride for the most part. (And you can be the "community" surrounding one of the other heroes, not just the main one). If there is a huge war, then you're one of the spear carriers that don't get named: "Orlanth lead his war-host".

The "higher level" you participate in, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the rewards.

Orlanth vrs Aroka probably is probably 10w10ish at it's most powerful point. Barntar vrs Daga is more likely 10w7ish
Jarankol Solarslayer vrs the Oslir is probably 10w5ish

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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