Re: Re: Websites and the Policy

From: Nils Weinander <nils_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 09:33:08 +0100

>The main missing item being the email address we have to contact to
>discuss what needs what sort of licence, and to send submissions to.
>I'd happily do this as fast as possible, but not knowing who or how
>to contact makes it hard.

What's wrong with just mailing Greg or Stephen to get the ball rolling?

For the time being, email to administrator_at_... or acquisitions_at_... will most likely work fine. Greg or Stephen will get it and get it handled the right way.

An online form is forthcoming as well, but I haven't started on it yet. Stephen is working on appendix A.

Note that the submission form has to be signed, so you will have to either send it by snail mail, or scan it and attach to an email.

>That approval form says "The item in question is complete and total,
>and included in full here." How does one print and attach a web
>page, unless it's entirely static? What do you expect to happen when
>you click on a picture of a button on a piece of paper?

I'm going to interpret the full URL to a web page as "complete and total" when I send in the submission for my site.

Stephen Rennell:
>I don't have that warm happy community feeling after reading the doc...

It is couched in hard, unfriendly legalistic terms, but I wouldn't worry over that. Even if the new policy brings additional hassle (for both us fans and Issaries), it is NOT directed against the fan community. Rather it is an unfortunate necessity. There have been a couple of flagrant copyright violations (not by the regular fans). In order to take legal action against such, Issaries MUST have a policy like this. Otherwise those who abuse the trust will get away with it.

Think about it, do you really think Greg Stafford has suddenly turned from Californian shaman and mythographer into a greedy, law-wrangling capitalist?

Nils Weinander
We sail on a ship made of dreams

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