Re: Gloranthan Fiction; Gloranthan ISPs! : )

From: James Frusetta <jfrusetta_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:00:32 +0200

A quick and nervous question about the fan policy:

A friend of mine that's a young author (published, but not popular) wrote as a gift a story set in Glorantha because she was amused by all my carryings on about the setting! <laugh> Now, while she integrated a couple of Gloranthan gods' names, and a couple of place names, the story isn't necessarily an inherently "Gloranthan" story. (It's great, but it's a story that could "take place elsewhere.")

Being *very* bad about updating my website (13 months and counting!), I was planning on sticking it on my site -- but the new policy causes some possible issues, because the author said, "If you want to web-publish it, sure, but if I ever do an anthology of my short fantasy fiction, I'll retain the publishing rights, okay?"

Awk: so to rephrase Jane's question: does this policy meant that if her story is put on a web page, than II gets *all* rights to *all* parts of the story? Or does it only get rights to the *Gloranthan* elements of the story: e.g., the deities in question, the basic myth (why the first troll became a human), etc.? If it's the former, then I clearly can't post it (and you can imagine my joy if I ended up being sued some day by Issaries *and* the author... : P).

One other question, for off-list responses: I need to move my web page from the .edu ISP it's on now (one reason why I haven't stuck on the ton of new files I have lying about for it). If anyone has a good recommendation for hosting services, please drop me a line.



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