Re: Re: The Telmori & 1607 Extermination of the Maboder

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 05:25:43 +0200 (EET)

Just to give a different perspective.

I've always tought of the Telmori as tragic, even noble figures.

Sartar gave the Telmori hope, something they hadn't had since the time of Nysalor. From then on the Telmori have been loyal beyond loyal to the house of Sartar, and the nation of Sartar.

Neither is very natural to the clannish and independent Sartari (who would propably mock the dog-like loyalty of the Telmori if they had more knowledge of dogs), so the Telmori aren't trusted. Everybody expects them to be as fickle as the rest of the tribes.

Is it a wonder then, that the Maboder got slaughtered? I think it was almost purely retribution for their treachery. Taking their lands afterwards is just the rightful reward of the Telmori (something the orlanthi should understand pretty well).


Since my game is set before the fall of Sartar, I've played things so that the Telmori are concidered weird, but not actually hated. The cosmopolitan folk of the cities propably trusts them more than the clan-folk that actually live close to their hunting grounds (pretty much as it is with wolves these days in Finland, alas).


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