Re: Old Uleria write-up

From: Oliver Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 21:28:45 -0600

Probably erotic. Someone's OCR program fumbled.


  When I looked up material on Uleria in the   Library of Londarios, I noticed that the old RuneQuest   version of the Uleria cult text contains a line that   reads,
    "Most stories about the goddess are sensual and   _chotic_."

  I have tried to discern the meaning of "chotic"...   It does not seem to exist as an English adjective,   I looked it up in all my dictionaries as well as   online, in Merriam-Webster and elsewhere.   Most sources suggest it is a misspelling of "chaotic"   or "choric" or "cholic".

  What is it?

  Chaotic: hardly seems reasonable, as Ulerians are   decidedly opposed to all things Chaos.   Maybe the original text still said "chaotic", but   referred to "confused, haphazard, fragmentary",   but not to the Gloranthan "Chaos" things.

"Choric" doesn't quite make sense in this context,
  as the passage does not talk about church choirs.

"Cholic" ... as in "relating to bile"? Hardly.

  Could you native speakers help me out with this?

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