Re: Re: Telmori of Sartar to appear in my game

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:47:42 +1200

Tim Ellis

>Me> Moreover the Telmori would
> > distrust Lunars being gifts considering that they claim
> > to be following a reincarnation of the same Nysalor that
> > gave them the bum rap in the first place.

>Now I may be getting confused (I probably am) but I thought the
>Telmori curse was imposed by Talor the Laughing Warrior, because the
>Telmori backed the wrong side (Nysalor/Gbaji)*.

Talor revealed to the Telmori the secret of what Nysalor had done and used it to curse them. The curse has its origins in their acceptance of Nysalor and Talor could not have cursed them if they hadn't accepted the gift.

--Peter Metcalfe

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