Re: Language

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:19:52 +1200

At 06:56 PM 3/30/2005 -0500, you wrote:

>Heortling and Esrolian are related.
>The game actually gives the heortling homeland "speak Sartarite" as a
>language. Do I
>assume those are interchangeable, or is Heortlander speech and Sartarite
>speech just
>really similar?


>Esvulari is how different from Heortling since the cultures are so close?

It depends on whether Esvulari is a Malkioni tongue. If not, then it's another dialect* of Heortling.

>Tarsh fits in how? (I see it being close to Sartarite perhaps, but distant
>from Esrolian.)

Tarsh is more divergent. Heortling and Esrolian were in the same language family (Manirian Theyalan) but Tarshite is Pelorian Theyalan. I would have said -10 for Tarshite to Heortling and -5 for Esrolian to Sartarite.

>New Pelorian might get spoken by some Lunars,
>and both it and Dara Happan have no relation to the other
>languages mentioned.

Not quite true. New Pelorian and Dara Happan are related languages while Tarshite has some New Pelorian idiom (providing a -10 to communication between Tarshite speakers and New Pelorian speakers).

*Difference between a Dialect and a Language? A Language is a Dialect with an Army and a Navy.

--Peter Metcalfe

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