Re: Runes - what do they mean now?

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 21:30:25 -0400

On 6 Apr 2005 at 22:32, Peter Metcalfe wrote:

> Yes. Look at the affinities.

But how do we know how many runes they might have associated with them? We can work backwards from the affinities sometimes, but there are also individual runes.

> Ernalda does own Earth, Orlanth Air/Storm, Mastakos Movement,
> Chalana Harmony, Humakt Death and Eurmal Disorder. Nobody holds
> Communication (Issaries might have but he sold the surplus to Argan
> Argar) and Truth is the property of Dayzatar.

But what does that mean? OWNS. Are we supposed to believe there is one god who "owns" a given rune, and that all the other gods with that rune are just borrowing it, or using it with permission, or lesser versions?

And how many runes are there to own? Just the 30 God Learner ones? More? Less?


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