Re: Runes - what do they mean now?

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:51:53 +1200

Light Castle

>Me> Yes. Look at the affinities.

>But how do we know how many runes they might have associated with them? We
>work backwards from the affinities sometimes, but there are also
>individual runes.

"Individual" runes are composites of core runes. The hunting rune is derived in part from death and harmony.

> > Ernalda does own Earth, Orlanth Air/Storm, Mastakos Movement,
> > Chalana Harmony, Humakt Death and Eurmal Disorder. Nobody holds
> > Communication (Issaries might have but he sold the surplus to Argan
> > Argar) and Truth is the property of Dayzatar.

>But what does that mean? OWNS.

It means        a) they are the runes
                 b) they alone know certain truths about a rune
                 c) they wield the runes
                 d) all or some of the above.

>And how many runes are there to own? Just the 30 God Learner ones? More?

Within that magnitude.

--Peter Metcalfe

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