RE: Re: More non-Heortling Humakti

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 18:15:07 +0100

> Come on Jane, it was an unoffical theory of mine that Greg always
> rejected, and now I do as well.:)

Doesn't stop it staying in *my* Glorantha. At least, until I find something more fun to replace it with.

> Again, as the author of that unofficial theory, it actually doesn't
> make sense on its own terms. Arkat became a Humakti *after* rescued
> by Harmast and long after the demise of Lokomoko. The main
> purpose of
> the severence is to sever Arkat from his Malkioni past - not from
> Orlanth and Harmast.

Okay, so I may have to work a little harder on my justifications if these nasty facts are going to get in the way...

So, he was trying to fix a problem that occurred in the past. A little bit of time-travel added to the theory. I can cope with this. I think. May have to invoke Dragonnewts, but there you go.

So what's your latest theory on the ways in which Arkat substantially altered the cult of Humakt? And is it fun to game with?

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