RE: Flaw or not? (was Raiding for Hostages)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 12:40:02 +0100 (BST)

And if you were, or they thought you were, a minor rules glitch would be the least of your problems.

> so if one
> character is stacked to the gills with personality
> traits that enable them to be sociopathic badass in
> the traditional mould of RPG characters then it
> likely follows that they will be ill-fitted to
> looking after traumatised orphans in the aftermath
> of a Broo raid. I do not agree that my pointing this
> out to the player whose character is in that
> situation and imposing flaws derived from his
> 'Psychopathic Frenzy', 'Blood Lust', 'Merciless
> Killer' and 'Puppy Torturer' abilities necessarily
> makes me an evil, oppositional GM who delights in
> crushing his players narrative aspirations

Although putting him in that situation, unless he wants to explore the interesting clashes involved, might be? So you ask in advance. Cooperation. Good, innit?

Jane Williams                                   

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