Re: Introducing newbies to Orlanthi.

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 15:49:36 -0000

Hi Viktor

I have run a couple of scenario's at conventions, and played in several convention scenario's so I would be happy to offer my experience.

I personally think that you don't want to go for information overload. HQ voices are ok for folks that want to know more but not reading prior to a tabletop game IMO. Make the handouts available sure, but not necessary to read beforehand. I have used the 'vikings without boats analogue' succesfully. I recently played in a Mythic Russia game recently where there was a lot of background material to read, but I read it *AFTER* we played, because it was then I was hooked, and *wanted to know more*, if you take my meaning. A ripe HQ character sheet can be a little daunting to newbies I have found.

One mechanism I have seen and thought was a good idea is to give out cards of abilities and get folk to fill out a character sheet. This way you have read at least once all of your characters abilities.

I think the scenario should be the introduction to Heortling culture. In this respect I like very much the two scenario's in the HQ rule book, chasing kites and the cattle raid one (can't remember the name). A stonking good scenario (especially for seasoned role players) that gives a great view of the intricacies of Heortling culture is Neil Smith's 'The Peace Process'. I know he is aiming to get it published, but if you ask nicely, and offered a playtest with feedback.....

Hope this helps.


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