Freedom was Re: Larnsti Brotherhood

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 15:10:28 -0000

> It doesn't look it given that Broyan sets foot outside
> Heortland. Jeff's recent "revelation" that Broyan was the
> new Hendreik was something originally written for the
> Glorantha: Intro, excised and later on rejected by Issaries
> in favour of Broyan being an ultratraditionalist Orlanthi
> that worships Vingkot. In light of this, I'm dubious about
> anything being settled about Broyan in the near future.

FWIW, Greg and I wrote a fair amount about Broyan, the Hendreiki and the Volsaxi last year. Ultimately, I'd like to turn it into a joint article. Here's another blurb:

"Broyan was born and raised in Markdale in the lands of the Sylangi tribe. Famed for his luck and his mighty winds, Broyan was elected Volsaxar tribal king 1610 and was acclaimed High King of the Volsaxi by the four tribes. When King Orngerin died in 1617, the Seshnegi mercenary Rikard the Tiger-Hearted took over the southern kingdom and proclaimed himself "king of Malkonwal". Broyan invoked Hendreik the Free and with the support of the Larnsti Brotherhood, proclaimed himself King of the Hendreiki."

Of course, most of our conversation focused on the difference between the Hendreiki and the Heortlendings.


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